
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

PLEASE NOTE: For purposes of financial aid and Satisfactory Academic Progress, an Academic Year is defined as two semesters. Summer terms are considered one-half of an academic year for financial aid SAP purposes.

Satisfactory academic progress (SAP) is a term used to describe a student’s successful completion of coursework toward a degree or certificate. SAP is required to receive all federal. state, and most institutional financial aid.

Federal regulations require the Financial Aid Office to apply reasonable standards for measuring whether a student is making progress toward a degree. This is to ensure that students receiving funds are successfully progressing through their program of study.

If you do not meet the minimum requirements, you could lose your eligibility for financial aid.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards

Student academic progress is measured at the end of each semester against the following qualitative and quantitative standards:  cumulative grade point average (GPA), completion rate (pace), maximum time frame and meeting the academic standards of your school or college (e.g., the College of Engineering and Science, the School of Architecture, etc.).

SAP Appeal Deadlines

While you are expected to meet minimum academic progress requirements to maintain your financial aid eligibility, we understand that extenuating circumstances sometimes prevent students from making satisfactory progress towards their degree. If you are ineligible for financial aid because you are not meeting SAP requirements before the beginning of the academic year, and extenuating circumstances have hindered your academic performance, you may submit a SAP Appeal to have your eligibility reconsidered. 

An appeal must be filed by the appropriate deadline in order to be considered for a particular semester. We cannot award financial aid for previous semesters if we did not receive the appeal by the semester deadline.


Fall semester: September 28
Winter semester: February 28
Summer semester: May 28

You will be notified at the end of your enrolled semester if you are not meeting SAP requirements, and you will be ineligible for your financial aid for any future semesters.

Submitting an appeal does not guarantee approval.

Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA)

2.0 for undergraduate and Dental (DDS) programs, 2.2 for Law programs, and 3.0 for graduate programs.  At any time that it becomes mathematically impossible for the student to meet the GPA requirement by the time the student would complete enough credit hours to graduate, the student becomes ineligible for federal aid.

Completion Rate (Pace)

At least 67% of all credit hours attempted must have passing grades that can be applied to the degree.  The 67% completion rate maintains a pace of progression toward the degree or certificate that ensures completion of the academic credential within the maximum time frame allowed.  The pace of progress is calculated by dividing cumulative hours that you have successfully completed by the cumulative hours you have attempted.  This includes hours attempted for which you do not receive credit, such as repeated courses which do not count toward your degree and classes taken prior to re-starting your degree program.

PLEASE NOTE: Credit hours transferred from other schools that are accepted toward completion of a student’s Detroit Mercy program count as hours attempted and hours completed.  However, transfer credit hours are not included in the calculation of a student’s grade point average. Please refer to the "Grades and Credits" section of this policy for a list of attempted credit hours.

Maximum Time Frame

Students must complete a degree or certificate program in no more than 150% of the published length of the program in credit hours.  Examples:

Undergraduate degrees that require 126 credit hours:

  • Attempted credit hours may not exceed 189 (126 credits x 150% = 189 credits).

Master’s degrees that require 36 credit hours:

  • Attempted credit hours may not exceed 54 (36 credits x 150% = 54 credits).

Professional and other degrees that require completion within a specific number of years from the start date:

  • Student must complete degree in no more than the maximum number of calendar years from the date s/he began the program AND student must complete at least 67% of credit hours attempted during any given semester AND attempted credit hours may not exceed 150% of the required credit hours for the student’s program of study.

PLEASE NOTE:  If at any point it becomes mathematically impossible for the student to meet degree completion and/or grade point requirements prior to the maximum time frame, the student immediately becomes ineligible for future federal (and/or) state financial aid.


Each aid recipient's record will be evaluated at the end of each semester to determine if the student is meeting the standards described above.  Students with classes that require more than one semester to receive a grade will be evaluated both on a semester basis for any classes graded at the end of the term, and at the completion of the class for multi-semester classes. If the student has reached the maximum number of scheduled hours or maximum years without earning a degree or it is mathematically impossible for the student to do so in the remaining number of hours or time frame, the student must be excluded from further participation in federal financial aid programs.

Financial Aid Warning

Students will receive a "financial aid warning" letter the first time they have experienced an academic difficulty which results in not meeting the SAP standards. The letter will remind them of the minimum academic requirements for their aid programs and strongly urge them to take advantage of the academic services that are available to students at Detroit Mercy. Students will be eligible to receive federal aid during this warning semester. These students are notified that their records will be checked again at the end of the semester and that further action will be taken if the student does not meet SAP standards at that time. Students will be sent a financial aid suspension letter if they are not meeting SAP standards at the end of the warning semester. Students can only receive aid for one semester under this "warning" status.

Students whose classes meet for two or more terms before a grade is given do not qualify for a warning semester. Students in this category have their aid suspended at the end of the second semester of two-term classes during which they have not made SAP and must appeal for SAP probation to receive consideration for any further financial aid (see below).

Loss of eligibility due to lack of satisfactory progress

A student who has lost eligibility to participate in federal or state student aid programs for reasons of academic progress can regain that eligibility by enrolling at his/her own expense and demonstrating that he/she is capable of completing a semester without any failures, incomplete grades, or withdrawals and showing the ability to complete his/her degree requirements in a more regular fashion and by submitting an appeal for reinstatement. The mere passage of time will not restore eligibility to a student who has lost eligibility for failure to make satisfactory progress.

Students who have been academically dismissed from the University but who are subsequently given permission to re-enroll are not automatically eligible to continue to participate in federal, state, or institutional aid programs. Admissions decisions are totally separate from funding decisions.

SAP Appeal

If you experienced an extenuating circumstance that impacted your academic progress you may submit a SAP Appeal.

A typed appeal letter requesting reinstatement of eligibility must be submitted to the Associate Director of Scholarship and Financial Aid by the SAP Appeal Deadline for the semester (see SAP Appeal Deadlines).

The SAP appeal must include:

  • An explanation of your overall situation, including your entire academic history at Detroit Mercy, detailing the circumstances that contributed to your inability to meet the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress standards.
  • An explanation of circumstances that contributed to your most recent unsuccessful semester.
  • Demonstrate what you have done to correct the problems that have hindered your success.
  • Attach supporting documents, such as obituaries, medical notices, tutoring contracts, etc.

Students should not assume that a SAP appeal will be approved and accepts responsibility for paying their tuition and fees if the appeal is denied.

If you do not appeal your SAP status:
You may choose not to appeal your SAP status. In this case, your financial aid will be suspended. It will be reinstated once you are meeting SAP requirements.

SAP Appeal Deadlines


Fall semester: September 28
Winter semester: February 28
Summer semester: May 28

You will be notified at the end of your enrolled semester if you are not meeting SAP requirements, and you will be ineligible for your financial aid for any future semesters.

Appeal Deadline Examples:

Winter Enrolled Semester & Plan on Attending the Upcoming Summer Semester - Appeal Example:
End of Winter 2024: You are notified that you are not meeting SAP requirements. You are ineligible for financial aid for any future semesters. 
Summer 2024: If you appeal before the May 28 deadline and your appeal is approved, your financial aid will be reinstated for the summer 2024 semester.

Winter Enrolled Semester & Plan on Attending the Upcoming Fall Semester - Appeal Example:
End of Winter 2024: You are notified that you are not meeting SAP requirements. You are ineligible for financial aid for any future semesters. 
Fall 2024: If you appeal before the September 28 deadline and your appeal is approved, your financial aid will be reinstated for the fall 2024 semester.

Summer Enrolled Semester & Plan on Attending the Upcoming Fall Semester - Appeal Example:
End of Summer 2024: You are notified that you are not meeting SAP requirements. You are ineligible for financial aid for any future semesters.
Fall 2024: If you appeal before the September 28 deadline and your appeal is approved, your financial aid will be reinstated for the fall 2024 semester.

Fall Enrolled Semester & Plan on Attending the Upcoming Winter Semester - Appeal Example:
End of Fall 2024: You are notified that you are not meeting SAP requirements. You are ineligible for financial aid for any future semesters. 
Winter 2025: If you appeal before the February 28 deadline and your appeal is approved, your financial aid will be reinstated for the winter 2025 semester.

Financial Aid Probation

Financial Aid Probation

Financial aid probation status will be assigned to students who have failed to meet SAP standards and have successfully appealed to reinstate their aid eligibility.

Students who do not meet SAP standards after a semester with a warning status or attend multi-term classes may appeal to reinstate their aid eligibility. The student will be offered a financial aid probation contract if the appeal is approved.

Financial Aid Contract

The contract will outline the academic requirements the student must meet in order to receive aid for the following semester. This contract must be approved by an academic advisor in the student's college or school and can be modified by the advisor to include any steps required by the college or school for the student to maintain good academic standing with that college or school. If the student on financial aid probation meets the terms of the probation, they will be permitted to continue to participate in the federal student aid programs for a subsequent semester. Students who have been placed on probation shall be considered to be making satisfactory academic progress for the purposes of receiving financial aid as long as the student continues to meet the academic requirements outlined in his/her probationary contract which may extend to one or more semesters.

The Scholarship and Financial Aid Office will review the records of students who are on financial aid probation at the end of each semester to determine continued eligibility. If the student does not meet the terms of the probation, the student will forfeit eligibility for all federal financial aid programs.

Federal regulations require that these standards apply to all students, even to first-time aid applicants who have previously enrolled at 黑料在线 or to those who have not been formally placed on probation.

Grades and Credits

Attempted credit hours include the following whether or not paid for with financial aid:

  • Earned Hours (A-D)
  • Pass (P)
  • Satisfactory (S)
  • No Record (NR)
  • No Pass (NP)
  • Unsatisfactory (U)
  • Withdrawal (W)
  • Administrative Withdraw (AW)
  • Failure (F)
  • No Record Failure (XF)
  • Final Grade Postponed - Law School Only (X)
  • Incomplete (I)
  • Incomplete/Failing (I/F)
  • Numerical grades (0.0 - 4.0)
  • Transfer Credit

Withdrawal From Courses: If a student withdraws from a course after the drop/add period, the course credit hours will be added to his/her attempted credit hours total.

Remedial Courses: Credit hours for each remedial course a student takes are included in the calculation of his/her attempted credit hours total and are included in the GPA calculations, but are not counted towards degree requirements.

Incomplete Courses: Credit hours for incomplete courses are included in the calculation of a student's attempted credit hours total, but not in the calculation of his/her GPA.

Audit Courses: Credit hours are not earned for audited courses; therefore, they are not included in the calculation of a student’s attempted credit hours total or GPA.

Pass/Fail Courses: Credit hours for pass/fail courses are included in the calculation of a student's attempted credit hours total, but not in the calculation of his/her GPA.

Change Majors Courses: For students who change majors, the credit hours taken under all majors will be included in the calculation of the attempted credit hours total, the GPA calculation, and the maximum time frame for degree completion.

Repeated Courses

Federal regulations limit the number of times a student may repeat a course and receive financial aid for that course.

  • A student may receive aid when repeating a course that was previously failed, regardless of the number of times the course was attempted and failed.
  • A student may receive aid to repeat a previously passed course one additional time.
  • If a student retakes a course that is not aid-eligible, a recalculation of aid is performed to exclude the credits for the repeat course.
  • This rule applies whether or not the student received aid for earlier enrollments in the course.

Note: Federal regulations specify that students may not receive aid for repeating courses previously passed if the student is required to retake those courses as part of a structured program. For example, a student who fails a course in a semester and is required by the college or department to repeat all courses taken in that semester before moving on in the program, would not be eligible to receive aid for the passed courses—only for the failed one(s). That may mean that the student would not be eligible for any aid for the semester, depending upon the number of previously passed courses being repeated.

If a student repeats a course, credit hours for each registration in the course will be added to his/her attempted credit hours total.